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Deena Schaeffer
SANE Nurse
Hi There!  My name is Deena. I grew up in a small town not far from Grand Island and Nebraska will always be my home.   I have been a registered nurse since graduating from Central Community College in 1997.  I worked in several areas at a hospital and fell in love with the emergency department. I have always had an interest in forensics and trauma informed care. Because of this I found myself compelled to help patients who had been through traumatic offences. To better myself in this area I took a 40 hour Adults and Adolescence Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner training in 2017. Extending my training to include pediatrics in 2019.  I really enjoy empowering patients and helping them to get control back.  I am married with triplet teenage daughters and they keep me busy with their many activities. When I do have a little spare time I try to take advantage of  sunny days and can be found just sitting outside listening to the birds. I also try to stay active and music can always make me dance.  Fun fact.  I love animals and all though the only pets we currently have are dogs and a cat, I have had fish, turtles, a duck, hamsters, a chinchilla, horses, a pig and multiple rabbits. I even had one bunny that was house trained!

"In the story of our lives, we've walked through different chapters, each one painted with the bright brushstrokes of our adventures, challenges, and setbacks."

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