Deena Schaeffer
SANE Nurse
Hi There! My name is Deena. I grew up in a small town not far from Grand Island and Nebraska will always be my home. I have been a registered nurse since graduating from Central Community College in 1997. I worked in several areas at a hospital and fell in love with the emergency department. I have always had an interest in forensics and trauma informed care. Because of this I found myself compelled to help patients who had been through traumatic offences. To better myself in this area I took a 40 hour Adults and Adolescence Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner training in 2017. Extending my training to include pediatrics in 2019. I really enjoy empowering patients and helping them to get control back. I am married with triplet teenage daughters and they keep me busy with their many activities. When I do have a little spare time I try to take advantage of sunny days and can be found just sitting outside listening to the birds. I also try to stay active and music can always make me dance. Fun fact. I love animals and all though the only pets we currently have are dogs and a cat, I have had fish, turtles, a duck, hamsters, a chinchilla, horses, a pig and multiple rabbits. I even had one bunny that was house trained!